Our Services

Custom Packaging

Kansas City’s Source for Quality Packaging Products & Packaging Equipment—KJB Packaging Solutions


We design it, spec it, source it, make it, warehouse and distribute it.
What's your custom?

Custom has never been so Simple.

1 - Creative

Starting from Conceptual Design developed into Retail Ready specifications, the KJB Packaging creative process brings form and function to a brand strategy.

2 - Pricing

What does my project cost? KJB represents more than diverse material buying power for your packaging needs. Our packaging supply chain insight focuses on providing client value and eliminating costly waste.

3 - Production

Production and Manufacturing is all about following specifications and verifying quality control. We manage the entire packaging supply chain to ensure and track product quality.

1. Creative Design

Preparing your brand to be Retail Ready is hard work.

KJB Packaging engages clients to review brand strategy for desired user experience and define the target market demographic. This creative process results in a sensible design with ease of packaging use, color schemes to convey brand message and considers production cost constraints.


2. Pricing and Specification

Defining the material specifications is only one step in pricing a custom packaging strategy. Additional considerations include our comprehensive review of how many and how often custom products are needed to effectively price a supply chain solution.


3. Production and Manufacturing

Production and Manufacturing is where well planned projects are created. We aren't just a distributor. We are a manufacture of quality packaging products to meet the custom needs of clients.

If we can't source your custom packaging needs, we'll make it.